The ongoing Fractured Landscapes series confronts our complex and often convoluted relationship to nature and depict instances in which theses forces both compliment each other and collide in destructive ways. The images celebrate man’s desire to build, innovate and create, while acknowledging the fact that our impulse to grow and consume is eroding the ecological framework that we depend on to sustain our wasteful habits. The use of synthetic material reinforces the commentary on man’s impulse to consume, contain and modify the earth’s resources in order to accommodate our own needs and desires.

Bucket Shop of Broken Dreams, ink on polyester film, 40" x 46"

Pump and Dump Prosperity, ink on polyester film, 40" x 46"

Eco-Industrial Hypergamy, ink on polyester film, 40" x 46"

External Combustion, ink on polyester film, 40" x 46"

Olduvai's Wild Ride, ink on polyester film, 40" x 46"

Black Water Gold, ink on polyester film, 46" x 40"

The Golden Hour, ink on polyester film, 40" x 46"

Mobius Microclimate, ink on polyester film, 46" x 40"

Pre-Apocalyptic Bellyflop, ink on polyester film, 40" x 84"

Can You Hear Me Now?, ink on polyester film, 25" x 35"

Troubled Waters, ink on polyester film, 25" x 25"

Lambent Waters Brood, ink on polyester film, 25" x 25"

David Burke •
Oakland • California